At least one of these has a shadow person, but still interesting when someone from beyond, inadvertently happens to be passing through at the time the picture is taken.
It seems, the older the location, the more orbs there often are.
Heritage Park (where we got married in 2011)
One orb is above the head of the lady dancing with the young boy.
That is not the moon. It's one large orb seen during a smoke break.
On the far left, an orb moves up toward the speaker. One guest said she saw an older man there.
An orb right in front of Rob's private area, hahaha. Friendly female spirit?
Two orbs near the podium (one in bottom front) while M/C speaks.
Maybe a loved one showing support to Rob as we wed...?
Two orbs near the piano (one on the white table cloth)
I believe, when it comes to the above wedding photos, that there were a combination of our deceased loved ones, and the ghosts that already haunt the park (we almost got married at the Prince House outside, but a freak thunderstorm moved us to the Wainwright Hotel).
Heritage Park (other)
And in addition to the wedding photos, Heritage Park is built around real, old houses with histories. This is why a lot of tourists and staff alike, have been reporting ghost sightings there for years. It even got featured in a documentary called Things That Go Bump. These are more personal photos, mostly taken by Rob.
Looks misty to the left of the toy castle (well, the castle's right).
Small orb on the top-left of the mirror's frame. The sunlight looks a bit 'dewy' here, too.
Orb in the top-right of the picture, close to the painting.
Calgary Ghost Tours - Inglewood
Perhaps the most notable 'ghost' picture we captured, was a random snap of the Rouge Restaurant in Inglewood, during a ghost tour. Later when looking through our pictures, it appeared to be a somewhat transparent woman, either sat alone at the table, or a waitress 'serving' (perhaps a crossover or something from a previous time?). Not sure (we're enthusiasts, not experts).
The others at the other windows, are real people sat and eating. Note how her clothes appear old fashioned.
Also from the same restaurant (formerly a house), this interesting image was snapped, possibly looking out the window at us, the tour group.
This is the diner in Inglewood where Rob & I used to go on dates. If you look at the ceiling (just past the middle pillar), there appears to be a moving streak of light. It might be a reflection, but of what? We're not sure.
Vista Heights, Calgary
One smaller orb (maybe a child).
This wall always gave me the creeps; seems to have been doodled on by two young brothers who lived here before us.
Large and bright orb, and some smaller ones.
The Next Basement
Now, my mum & Grams still live in Calgary, but currently in an older 'chicken coop' style house in Oak Hill Estates. Again, due to our fascinated meddling, we investigated their basement.
A pretty ordinary picture of stored items. But out of several that we took, this one is the only one with one small orb, up in the rafters. It's not dust since there'd be more, and they'd be present in every image.
Our First Apartment - Terrace Gardens
Rob has a fascination with 'secret' places. When living at Terrace Gardens in downtown Calgary, one of his friends worked as a security guard there, and so let him in. The light looks a bit odd.
The other perspective of the room seems more dim. A few vague orbs are seen, one specifically to the right of the far door.
This image of his friend/security guard shows that the light is again eerily bright (the room was actually dim), and there is one tiny orb going toward the elevator, while another floats behind the guard's leg).
Our Second Home - Chateau Apartments
These were from when we moved out in 2015 (after 6 long years there). At first, it was just a picture to document the emptiness of our room with the bed gone.
Two orbs are visible, the one near the heart-shaped lamp is large.
Original picture, just to document how our place was coming undone bit by bit as we moved out.
Miscellaneous Halo
Rob is a great person, with a generous soul and silly sense of humor. He is friendly and overall caring. However, aside from that, I consider him a human being like anyone else... so it was an interesting discovery to see this older picture of him at a family event, with a 'halo' behind his head. Maybe he's more angelic than I gave him credit for...?
Day in Banff, 2011
Shortly after our wedding, Rob's dad took us on a day trip to Banff at one point. We posed for a picture in one of the beautiful parks, and though nothing seemed out of the ordinary there at the time, we later noticed one of the people in the background was not only quite 'shadowy' (all dark with muddled features), but also semi-transparent:
You can see the bushes behind them, right through them. Also, too dark to be a shadow one of the 2 people in front.
The Palliser Hotel - Room 1001
This picture is one of a more intimate nature, but thankfully the block takes a lot of that out. In 2014, Rob & I came here to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary, as well as the 100-year anniversary of the Fairmont Palliser Hotel (Rob is really into history).
Note, the orbs appear sporadically, there are about 4 of them. The furthest from the washroom is also the brightest, while the oher 3 that appear (one right on my face!) are in the bathroom doorway.
Sadly, it's not uncommon for hotel bathrooms to be haunted, since this is a prime spot for suicides. Very tragic indeed.
If it's any correlation, I recall the first night there, I felt overcome with sorrow and ended up crying a lot. Spirits carry energy, often the strong energy felt at the time of death (fear, anger, sadness, etc).
Las Vegas (Haunted Vegas Ghost Tour)
Believe it or not, it was going on this tour in late September of 2018, that inspired this whole blog.
Rob is agnostic, while I believe strongly in God and Jesus. I'd like to point out that this blog is in no way meant to glorify evil or harmful demons. I do believe that, although when humans pass away they are to be dormant until Judgement Day, in many cases the time of death is so intense - plus the immense feelings of guilt most people feel over their sins, even though we all do it and God loves us all - the spirits of humans can have a great deal of trouble, 'letting go' and moving on from the earth. This is why I like to dedicate my time to reaching out and speaking with them, to remind them that, God loves them and wants them back with Him, and that it is okay to let go and move on. I could only imagine the years of torment some of them feel while still roaming.
Anyhow, everyone has their own reasons for being interested in ghost tours, and that is mine. Rob is interested in them for different reasons.
This was the first tour we did, where we went beyond walking and hearing stories, and got to use interactive equipment, which made the connection feel more real. This inspired me and Rob to download the XB7 Spirit Box app and start talking with them, so far in a variety of haunted locations in Las Vegas. Below are some pictures taken during this most previous tour.
The dowsing rods are pointing at me, as I asked if there was someone right in front of me, and then invited them to hug me.
I'd like to remind you all, if you want to invite contact with a ghost, pray fervently to the Lord for protection. This way, the evil (that which fears God) will stay away and you're more apt to connect with a human spirit).
Our idea of romance. Every couple has their 'thing'.
Thank you for sitting through our collection of personal pictures. This post will get updated as we find more.
We also encourage you to share your own with me at and get featured on this paranormal blog.
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